Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)
Scott Ribe wrote:
> ...
> I think Dylan syntax is "more sensible" ONLY in practical/political
> terms. Personally, I don't mind either. But here's my own take:
> - C/C++ programmers work in a mode of thought that is dominated by gnarly
> ...
> Scott Ribe
> scott_ribe@killerbytes.com
> http://www.scott.net/~sribe
> (303) 665-7007 voice
I think the question is, why was this decision needed?
If the two syntaxes were isomorphic, why couldn't both be maintained. And
certainly, at least for awhile, they were isomorphic. Personally I prefer a
syntax similar to that of Ruby or Eiffel, and consider them clearer, though I
WOULD like to use {,} rather than begin,end, but this doesn't mean that
everyone needs to feel that way.
Also, Lisp syntax is much easier for machine parsers/constructors to operate
on. If Dylan had retained the Lisp syntax, then it would be much more
suitable for mechanical generation of programs, etc.
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