
Re: Me again

Miguel Arroz wrote:
> Is Apple Dylan dead? 

Apple's implementation is, but the language itself definitely isn't.
There's an excellent commercial Windows Dylan IDE from Fun-O, the
Gwydion Maintainers have an open-source command-line compiler available
for most Unices, Win32, BeOS and MacOSes, and a couple of interpreters
are still doing the rounds.

> Is it worth to spend some time learning dylan? 

Definitely. It's a remarkably powerful and elegant language, easier to
read than some, more powerful than others. I find myself cursing C++ at
work now, and I've given up trying to learn Lisp again. Have a look at
the examples on the Gwydion web site, and if you've got a PC try
downoading the Functional Developer free trial from Fun-O.

- Rob.

Rob Myers - http://www.robmyers.org/   H2G2 - http://www.h2g2.com/
MacOS wonderfulness for The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Game.
"Don't talk to sociologists. Social practice has no sociological 
content." - Art & Language.
