
Re: Dylan Features

"Bruce Hoult" <bruce@hoult.org> wrote in message
> You can convert this (manally or automatically) into
> "continuation-passing style":
>   define method fact(n, return)
>      if (n = 0)
>        return(1)
>      else
>         fact(n - 1, method (val) return(n * val) end)
>      end
>   end;
> Now, instead of calling this as...
>   format-out("factorial 5 is %=\n", fact(5));
>  ... you'd call it as ...
>   fact(5, method (val) format-out("factorial 5 is %=\n", val) end);

  I think I understand the idea, but I'm still unclear on some of the
details.  For instance, is "val" a keyword?  I'm also unclear why you'd want
to do this, the second example makes my eyes cross.

> The most striking property is that no function *EVER* falls off the end
> and returns.  You *always* end up with a tail-call to a function that
> itself never returns.


> Another interesting property is that it makes passing arguments and
> passing back function results symmetrical.  Why can you pass multiple
> arguments but not multiple results in most languages?  Because that's
> the way the historical function call ABI is set up.  Well, with CPS you
> never actually return, you just call the guy who is going to use your
> results

  Ahhhhh.  But wouldn't having a dynamic call stack make this the expensive

>   format-out(
>     "factorial 5 is %=\n",
>     block (continuation)
>        fact(n, continuation)
>     end
>   )

  What is "continuation"?

> C doesn't have closures.  The fact that Dylan has closures implies that
> some data that looks as if it could be stored on the stack (and could be
> in C) in fact has to be stored on the heap.  Closures in effect create
> "objects".

  Hmmm, in many of my other trollings I've seen debates between closures and
blocks - if they're different.  What's the closure here?


Follow-Ups: References: