
Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)

in article sp8j4r6in4t66@corp.supernews.com, David McClain at
dmcclain@azstarnet.com wrote on 2000.08.11 12:00:

>> A C/C++ hack is _never_ going to go with "pascal-ish" syntax.  Never.
>> And the Lisp folks won't go for it because, frankly, it is
>> fundamentally broken with respect to macros.

Some programmers aren't so hung up on languages. I'm not. I like the power
and extreme flexibility of Lisp. I like the power and familiarity of Dylan.
I like the object-oriented facilities of C++ (as opposed to C, mind you).
Java is a very nice example of how to make C++ more sane. I like the
directness and efficiency of PowerPC assembly. I admire the purity and
simplicity of Smalltalk. I think Ada is possibly the best example of what a
static language can be. Eiffel excels at "completeness" and makes me wish
other languages had some of its features. Well, I'll stop there, I'm sure
you get the idea.

Programming language can certainly be a preference, but it should never be
an obsession or a political statement. There lies madness. And stagnation.

Chris Page
Mac OS Guy
Palm, Inc.

let mail-to = concatenate( "Chris Page <page", "@", "best.com>");
