
Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)

In article <mu8gpsgvvdnr2ja3581ousvm2ik98rsfq4@4ax.com>,
	Jason Trenouth <jason@harlequin.co.uk> writes:
> On Mon, 14 Aug 2000 17:46:28 +0100, Rob Myers <robm@h2g2.com> wrote:
>> Gwydion Dylan contains a simple Lisp-to-dylan converter. I haven't had
>> any luck with non-trivial programs using it, though.
>> Out of interest, what does Dylan offer that Lisp doesn't that makes a
>> lisp-syntax version of Dylan desirable?
> Well, it was more a case of copying libraries, frameworks, and tools from Lisp
> into Dylan so that Dylan programmers could have native access to the same kinds
> of facilities as Lisp programmers.

how many of the tools would be usable for dylan?  i would suspect that 
quite a high percentage would work on lisp code, so even after porting 
the they would be useless for dylan programmers.


Hartmann Schaffer

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