
Re: Mac OS X presents an opportunity for Dylan

On Friday, December 1, 2000, at 10:45 AM, Michael Schuerig wrote:

> As the 
> frameworks can be used from a lesser language, such as Java, there is a 
> way to use them from Dylan. In effect you'd have to write ObjC code in 
> Dylan.  

See my next posting...

> The point of Cocoa (well, the AppKit) is that it facilitates 
> constructing the UI and wiring it to the "model" in InterfaceBuilder. 
> If the same could be done with a builder tool that works with DUIM then 
> that's fine, but then it doesn't that DUIM might be implemented on top 
> of Cocoa. 

Carbon is better/easier than Cocoa for implementing DUIM or Java's AWT. Gwydion Maintainers and Apple have both reached this conclusion, apparently...

- Rob.