Re: Any applications coded in Dylan?
To: info-dylan@ai.mit.edu
Subject: Re: Any applications coded in Dylan?
From: Zeno <zenem@nospam.earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 13:45:02 -0500 (EST)
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Xref: traf.lcs.mit.edu comp.lang.dylan:12955
On 28 Dec 2000 16:30:09 +0100, Andreas Bogk <andreas@andreas.org>
>Have you taken a look at Gwydion Dylan? It's available for all
>platforms, and even though it's not done yet in the sense that it
>still hasn't all the features we dream of, I'd consider it mature
>enough for most applications.
>More information can be found at http://www.gwydiondylan.org.
Thank you, Andreas. I have not researched Gwydion Dylan in
particular, but have decided to go with something that has a larger
user base than Dylan and which I feel positive will be around in 10
years plus. No one responded with any example applications in Dylan
or provided any reassurance that it is viable for a commercial project
with a (hopefully) long life span.
Thank you very much for your help.
- Zeno