Re: Nooooooooo
To: info-dylan@ai.mit.edu
Subject: Re: Nooooooooo
From: Dustin Voss <d_voss@uswest.net>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 01:00:02 -0500 (EST)
References: <C1A19ACED87D1109.EC9BEBFF84CBD16A.4BA27E2B73675EBB@lp.airnews.net> <f09l4t43i2mo55retgd0nqit2ffsabib5d@4ax.com> <G698Ey.A9s@world.std.com> <92edsd$cdg$2@hecate.umd.edu> <AgC26.4694$zL2.784738@news.uswest.net>
User-Agent: Thoth/1.0.2 (Carbon/OS X)
Xref: traf.lcs.mit.edu comp.lang.dylan:13007 comp.lang.functional:23529
In article <AgC26.4694$zL2.784738@news.uswest.net>, Shawn
<shawn@anarchy-arts.com> wrote:
> I hope FO is not dead !
> Shawn
Nope, apparently not. I just got a message the other day from
Functional Objects, asking what I'd like to use Dylan for.