
Re: All-Time Personal Classics Top 20

On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 04:45:02AM -0500, Hugh Greene wrote:
> I tried compiling your list (with Functional Developer 2.0 SP 1, as an EXE
> project) but had no luck.

Same here under Gwydion Dylan...  I get this:

secret-lab:~/src/bar$ make
d2c bar.lid
Compiling library bar
[Loading library Dylan...]
Parsing bar-exports.dylan
[Loading library common-dylan...
  [Loading library common-extensions...
   [Loading library melange-support...]
   [Loading library transcendental...]]]
[Loading library io...
  [Loading library Streams...]
  [Loading library print...]
  [Loading library format...]
  [Loading library standard-io...]
  [Loading library format-out...]]
Parsing bar.dylan
"bar.dylan", line 24, character 6:
    Alice's Restaurant
  Error: Parse error at or before bogus token
skipping rest of bar.dylan
Finalizing definitions
inheriting slots
inheriting overrides
seeding representations
laying out instances
Optimize called 0 times.
Compilation failed with 0 Warnings and 1 Error
make: *** [bar] Error 1

