
Objective C bridge

I've decided to do it, if I can.

I'm only trying to add minimal Obj C support. It can be improved later, 
but I'm itching for results and don't feel capable of handling the whole 
thing right off. I'm new at this. Here's what I'm aiming for:

*  I want to be able to instantiate and call on Obj C objects.

*  I want to be able to create an Obj C stub that fits in the Obj C 
class hierarchy, so I can subclass NSWindowController (for example).

*  Methods of the Obj C stubs should map to Dylan methods.

*  Instance variables of the Obj C stub should map to slots of a Dylan 
stub. I considered only supporting methods, to avoid any potential 
garbage collection or reference counting issues with variables, but I 
believe Interface Builder support will require instance variables..

*  Obj C exceptions should map to Dylan exceptions. This'll be easy.

*  I'd like to do all this without relying on any pre-processing.

I've got some ideas, but it's late and I'm tired, so I'll post them 
tomorrow or this weekend. Sorry about the tease! :-)

In the meantime, I'm looking for information on Gwydion Dylan's support 
for C callback functions. I checked, but couldn't find anything, at 
www.gwydiondylan.org and the Deja Google archives.

-- Dustin
