Re: Can one do the following in dylan?
DLL-loading for a non-byte-coded language is very OS-specific. It should
be possible in Gwydion Dylan, which can import and export methods to and
from C. If it supports make(<method>) and add-method, pointers to
methods in MacOS X bundles, PC DLLs or UNIX shared libraries could be
added to the dispatch table using some internals.
Gwydion doesn't support make(<class>) yet, though.
IIRC, Fun-O requires that loaded methods fit an existing protocol.
Rather than contriving a servlet system, both Fun-Dev and GD can be used
to write modules for Apache or another web server. There's CGI code on
the Gwydion FTP site.
- Rob.
On Wednesday, March 28, 2001, at 07:00 am, Chris Double wrote:
> Samuele Pedroni <pedroni@inf.ethz.ch> writes:
>> What's the situation with dylan?
> I've given the situation with Functional Developer, a Dylan
> development system.