Re: Good book on Dylan?
On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, Gregory T. Sullivan wrote:
> >>>>> "Raffael" == Raffael Cavallaro <raffael@mediaone.net> writes:
> Raffael> On Sunday, April 1, 2001, at 01:45 PM, Mark Jordan wrote:
> >> Visibility can't do any harm, so why not have a public newsgroup?
> >> I personally don't like private mailing lists as they tend to flood my
> >> inbox with junk :-)
> Raffael> There is a public newsgroup which mirrors all of the info-dylan
> Raffael> messages - comp.lang.dylan. However, I'm not sure if posts to c.l.d also
> Raffael> get sent to the info-dylan list or not.
I could be wrong, but I think the original poster wasn't talking
about c.l.d, rather about the *Gwydion* developers "talking" in a
(moderated?) newsgroup (instead of, or as well as, a mailing list). I
think the point was that this might get a bit more visibility for the
Gwydion project and maybe a few more hackers, too :-)
> I maintain a simple bidirectional gateway between the comp.lang.dylan
> newsgroup and the info-dylan@ai.mit.edu mailing list.
BTW, Greg, is there an info-dylan archive anywhere, seeing as the Usenet
archives are gathering dust on a virtual shelf somewhere these days?
Every once in a while I consider starting a c.l.d FAQ, but it would be
nice to see which questions really have been frequently asked :-)