
Re: A Dylan FAQ (was Re: Good book on Dylan)

At 11:15 AM -0400 4/16/01, Andreas Bogk wrote:
>Carl Gay <carlgay@mediaone.net> writes:
> > While I'm here, does anyone know the new location for the DRM that
> > used to be at this URL?: http://www.isr.com/dylan/dylan-language/ I
> > think Kim Barrett (sp?) was responsible for it, but I don't have his
> > address.
>The DRM is available at
>  http://www.gwydiondylan.org/drm/
>But I'd also like to know where Kim is now, and what happened to the
>above-mentioned site.

I'm still around, and I still have those bits.  However, due to various
changes to our (iRobot, nee ISR) outside web presence, that location has
unfortunately been inaccessible for a long time.  I think things are stable
now and I could start serving those bits again, but it might be that I would
need to find a new host instead.
