
Re: [Q] Dylan to Java/JVM compiler?

On Thursday, May 3, 2001, at 02:30  pm, Andreas Bogk wrote:

> Roland Paterson-Jones <rpjones@hursley.ibm.com> writes:
>> Is any work being done on compiling Dylan source to Java class-files 
>> (or
>> java source, for that matter)? This would enable Dylan programs to run
>> on the plethora of JVM's in existance.
> Nobody is working on that, as far as I know. I assume that it simply
> wouldn't run fast enough, since most of the Dylan language primitives
> would need to be emulated.

I'm sure I heard that Harlequin were working on something, and there 
were very old documents floating around the CMU AI repository regarding 
Dylan and Java. But the dispatch model is so different that Dylan code 
compiled to Java could be very inefficient (although I suppose it would 
"only" be a tree of switch statements for each GF call).

- Rob.
