Re: Q: member syntax in dylan?
Roland Paterson-Jones wrote:
> I have the feeling that, most of the time, methods I write would be (in
> effect) single-dispatched on one (the first) argument.
In many years of software development under countless different
environments, I have seen countless examples of the X in Y syndrome, as
in writing "Pascal in C" or "Cobol in C++" or "C++ in Java" or, as in
your suggestion "C++ (or Java) in Dylan."
It is almost always a mistake to do this. If you want to write good
Dylan code, you really should try to wrap your head around the Dylan
approach to code and not try to stick to C++/Java habits. Of course, I
can't force you do to do this, but I can sure encourage it.
(This is not to say that lots of Dylan methods wouldn't be single
dispatched, but in an environment which allows multidispatch to be used
seemlessly along side single dispatch, it is a mistake to try to view
them as being two fundamentally different things.)