
Example of dynamic loading of Dylan libraries available

I've put an example of dynamic loading of Dylan DLL's in the Dylanlibs
project CVS repository. Currently it's only available in CVS but I
thought others might be interested as the topic has come up

It starts with:


This exports various generics and classes that a dynamic library has
to make available to allow registering information about the library
and unload/load callback functions.

An example of use is in:


This is a very simple program that allows drawing shapes on a
pane. The shapes are drawn by 'tools'. The tools can be hard coded in
the application or loaded/unloaded dynamically.


This library contains a protocol for the tools, abstract class that
tools derive from, etc.


A simple tool that draws a circle. By running dynamic-draw, choosing
'Load Tool' and selecting the circle-tool.dll file, you get the
functionality loaded into the program.

Available from CVS at http://dylanlibs.sourceforge.net.

Hope it proves useful. 
