[ANNC] Native-Dylan xml-parser lib
The native-Dylan xml-parser was collaborative effort of Chris Double,
Andreas Bogk, and Douglas Auclair from the Gwydion Dylan maintainers. It is
mostly W3C-compliant (including proper handling of ENTITY and DOCTYPE
definition tags) and allows programmer control over transformations but does
not validate documents. It parses hamlet.xml in 3.20-3.25 seconds on
Functional Developer. The test machine was Windows NT 4.0 running on 733
PIII with 128MB RAM. The xml-parser library and supporting libraries
(notably Meta by David Lichteblau) are available in source-code form from
By way of comparison, Computists' Research Software (CRS) Digest
(http://www.computists.com) announced a Common Lisp xml-parser (XMLP) that
parses hamlet.xml "in 1.7-1.8 seconds on ACL6, and on Lispworks it takes
anywhere from 2.6 to 5.2 seconds, depending on GC behavior." XMLP uses
expat as a back-end. "The test machine has Redhat 7 running on a 733MHz
PIII with 256MB RAM."
Neither development team had an aggressive optimization goal for their
Douglas M. Auclair