
Re: Multidispatch semantic

I think that FunDev doesn't actually signal such an error, but if you
run the program under the debugger, you will see that there are
warnings that indicate the ambiguity.

I don't know why we did this, but I think it had to do with a bunch
of CLOS legacy code that we didn't have time to rewrite.

Samuele Pedroni wrote in message <3b4fa00c@pfaff.ethz.ch>...
>Hi. I have tried the following program. After reading the DRM 6. Functions-
>Method Dispatch I would have expected
>some kind of ambiguity error, the results that I get with FunDev are just
>like CLOS multidispatch. Argument order counts.
>What I'm missing? Thanks Samuele Pedroni.
>Module: hello2
>define class <panel> (<object>)
>end class <panel> ;
>define class <pad-panel> (<panel>)
>end class <pad-panel> ;
>define class <specific> (<object>)
>end class <specific> ;
>define method present (panel :: <panel> , obj :: <object>)
>format-out("generic panel present");
>end method present;
>define method present (panel :: <pad-panel>, obj :: <object> )
>format-out("pad present");
>end method present;
>define method present (panel :: <panel> , obj :: <specific>  )
>format-out("generic panel <specific> present");
>end method present;
>define method present2 (obj :: <object> , panel :: <panel> )
>format-out("generic panel present(2)");
>end method present2;
>define method present2 (obj :: <object> , panel :: <pad-panel> )
>format-out("pad present(2)");
>end method present2;
>define method present2 (obj :: <specific> , panel :: <panel>  )
>format-out("generic panel <specific> present(2)");
>end method present2;
>define method main () => ()
>  let pad = make(<pad-panel>);
>  let obj = make(<specific>);
>  present(pad,obj) ;
>  format-out("\n");
>  present2(obj,pad) ;
>end method main;
>/* Output:
>   pad present
>   generic panel <specific> present(2)
>given the rules in DRM 6. Functions - Method Dispatch
>I would have expected an ambiguity error in both cases.
>  main();
