Re: Deuce gadgets and streams
To: info-dylan@ai.mit.edu
Subject: Re: Deuce gadgets and streams
From: "Scott McKay" <swm@mediaone.net>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 10:00:06 -0400 (EDT)
Organization: Road Runner
References: <wk1ynepxp6.fsf@double.co.nz>
Xref: traf.lcs.mit.edu comp.lang.dylan:13482
Take a look at dylan/sources/deuce/streams.dylan, and you'll
see that you can create a stream over buffers or regions within
a buffer.
The following will make an interval stream pointing to the location
BP within BP's buffer. You can get the buffer by calling 'window-buffer'
on the Deuce gadget.
make(<interval-stream>, direction: #"output", interval: make(<interval>,
start-bp: BP, end-bp: BP))
You can then call operations such as 'write' or 'write-line' on the
resulting stream.
Chris Double wrote in message ...
>Is it possible to treat a deuce gadget as a stream in some manner? For
>example, if I have a deuce gadget:
> pane my-pane (frame)
> make(<deuce-gadget>);
>And somewhere else in the application I want to stream text to that
>gadget in an easy manner:
> define method log-message(frame :: <my-frame>, msg :: <string>)
> frame.deuce-gadget.somehow-stream-text(msg);
> end;
>I can do:
> frame.deuce-gadget.gadget-value :=
> concatenate(frame.deuce-gadget.gadget-value, msg);
>But was looking for something not involving so much copying. Anyone
>able to provide hints towards a better way?