Re: Functional Developer UNICODE support + source?
On Wednesday, July 25, 2001, at 08:45 pm, Mark Jordan wrote:
> It would be cool to be able to compile C header files into dylan
> interface libraries automatically.
Melange will do this for Gwydion, and when Pidgin is complete it should
be usable for FD as well.
> It would be even cooler to compile
> C++ header files into dylan interface libraries, but I guess the
> differences
> are probably a bit much.
It's not this that is the problem, it's linking to the C++ object code,
which is a nightmare in any language (even third-party C++).
> IBM's SOM might have been useful
> since it supported inheritance, unlike COM.
COM and CORBA have the mindshare, whatever the advantages of SOM.
- Rob.
Dylan(tm) - The Object-Oriented, Dynamic Language.