
[ANNC] Released new version of Marlais

Hello, all, 

I've released a new version of Marlais with several improvements. 
Marlais is a cross-platform Dylan interpreter.  It includes
make(<class>), each-subclass slots, and a pretty complete DRM
implementation (notably, macros are missing, and a macro implementer
guru's help would be welcome).  Please go to
http://marlais.sourceforge.net for more information and to
https://sourceforge.net/projects/marlais/ for the releases.

Among the improvements are a one-shot Dylan expression evaluator:

$ marlais -e 'map(complement(integral?), #(1, 2.2, 3, 4.4))'
#(#f, #t, #f, #t)

And other new command-line switches (try marlais -h).  Marlais also
now optionally exits and optionally does not print its welcome banner
when evaluating file(s) -- this clears the way for Marlais to be used
as a CGI language.

Douglas M. Auclair
