Functional Objects Announces its Linux Alpha Test Program
To: info-dylan@ai.mit.edu
Subject: Functional Objects Announces its Linux Alpha Test Program
From: Gary Palter <Palter@compuserve.com>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 15:00:02 -0400 (EDT)
Organization: Functional Objects, Inc.
User-Agent: Thoth/1.2.3 (Carbon/OS X)
Xref: traf.lcs.mit.edu comp.lang.dylan:13616
Functional Objects, Inc. is pleased to announce the commencement of an
Alpha Test Program for Functional Developer for Linux.
If you are interested in signing up for this program, please visit our
website at <http://www.functionalobjects.com/products/linux.phtml>.
Functional Developer Version 2.1 [Alpha 1] for x86 Linux is available
for immediate download by members of our Alpha Test Program. Alpha 1
is limited to a command-line compiler and a subset of our runtime
libraries. The compiler produces native code comparable in quality to
our Version 2.0 Windows release. The runtime libraries included in
Alpha 1 are roughly those included in the Core Libraries Pack and the
Basic Network Connectivity Library Pack of our Version 2.0 Windows
Additional alpha and beta releases will follow as new functionality,
newly ported libraries, performance enhancements, or major bug fixes
warrant. (For example, we are working closely in cooperation with the
Gwydion group to complete the port of DUIM to Linux using GTK.)
I've enclosed an edited excerpt from the Release Notes which describes
the contents of this release in detail. Again, please review the
complete Release Notes, available on our website, before downloading.
The Release Notes contain installation instructions, a list of known
limitations, and a list of major changes in this release.
Thank you for your continued support,
- Gary Palter
Linux Alpha Test Program Coordinator
Functional Objects, Inc.
This section describes the contents of the current release.
Two command-line compilers are included in this release.
The first, fdcompile, is equivalent to fdbc in the Windows release.
For a brief description of its command line options, run
fdcompile -help
The second compiler, xfdcompile, is a subset of fdce in the Windows
release. Eventually, it will replace fdcompile but is, for now,
considered experimental ... Again, for a brief description of its
command line options, run
xfdcompile -help
The libraries included in this release are:
Dylan Common-Dylan Functional-Dylan
Collections IO System
Generic-Arithmetic Big-Integers
C-FFI Network
TestWorks TestWorks-Specs
The source code of all of the above libraries except the Dylan
library is also included in this release. If a library's source
code is not explicitly marked as open source, it is included for
reference purposes only.
This release includes several simple examples located in
In addition, test suites for the following libraries are also
included in this release:
Dylan Common-Dylan Functional-Dylan
Collections IO System
With the exception of the Functional-Dylan test suite, the test
suites are open source. We appreciate any contributions you may
wish to make to these suites.