
Re: Dylan Hackers entry won second prize at ICFP 2001

andreas@pulse.flatline.de (Andreas Bogk) wrote in message news:<9n8ob9$i8u$1@unlisys.unlisys.net>...
> Hi!
> I'm just back from Florence, the location of this year's
> International Conference on Functional Programming:
>   http://cristal.inria.fr/ICFP2001/
> At the conference, the winners of this year's ICFP Programming
> Contest were announced, and I'm proud to say that we made the
> second place:
>   http://cristal.inria.fr/ICFP2001/prog-contest/
> and that it is now Official Scientific Truth[tm] that
>   Dylan is a fine programming tool for many applications

Thanks for attending for us, Andreas.

There is now a write-up at


-- Bruce

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