Re: ZWEI (Re: emacs rules and vi sucks)
To: info-dylan@ai.mit.edu
Subject: Re: ZWEI (Re: emacs rules and vi sucks)
From: Barry Margolin <barmar@genuity.net>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:30:01 -0400 (EDT)
Mail-Copies-To: never
Organization: Genuity, Cambridge, MA
References: <n146x6z2.fsf@ecf.teradyne.com> <m37kusvzfa.fsf@kappa.unlambda.com> <gb3uqtgqo43o9v8aghfemk124lubg8a5qj@4ax.com> <G6%r7.26054$vq.5400932@typhoon.ne.mediaone.net>
Xref: traf.lcs.mit.edu comp.lang.lisp:72349 comp.lang.dylan:13687
In article <G6%r7.26054$vq.5400932@typhoon.ne.mediaone.net>,
Scott McKay <swm@mediaone.net> wrote:
>Zwei models buffers as linked lists of line objects, and BPs
>are a pair {line,index}. This makes it easier to do some
>clever stuff in Zwei, but IIRC lines in Zwei are structures,
>not classes, so it turned out that we had to wrestle quite a
>bit with Zwei to get display of multiple fonts and graphics
>to work (on the order of many weeks).
Of course, the most likely reason for this, I think, is that ZWEI was first
implemented *before* Flavors, so there was no class system available. Most
of the higher-level data structures (e.g. buffers and windows) were later
Flavorized, but I guess no one felt that it was critical enough to redesign
the low-level lines and buffer pointers. Perhaps because these objects are
used in so many inner loops there might have been a worry about the
performance impact (we all remember what things were like when Dynamic
Windows first came out and suddenly the whole UI became a conglomeration of
instances with mouse sensitivity).
>The editor for FunO's Dylan product -- Deuce -- is the
>next generation of Zwei in many ways.
I'm just curious: is Deuce a self-referential acronym, and if so what does
it stand for?
Barry Margolin, barmar@genuity.net
Genuity, Woburn, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.