
Re: GUID algorithm

Scott McKay swm@mediaone.net on  2001-10-09 10:30 wrote:

> I remember that when Dan Weinreb did this for Statice he combined
> three quantities:
> - the machine's serial number (you could also use the IP address of
>  it's Ethernet card)

You mean the "MAC" or "hardware" address of the Ethernet card.  IP addresses
can be transient (think DHCP), but Ethernet MAC addresses are usually unique
and read-only (some boards allow you to change it at your peril, e.g.,
LinkSys gateways do so you can spoof your cable company into thinking you
are still running the ethernet card they assigned to you).

I seem to recall that on some platform (perhaps the "Virtual LispM") there
was no equivalent to the machine serial number and the MAC address was
inaccessible, so we used a random number in place of that.  That may be
where your memory of random bits comes from...
