Re: Distributed higher-order functions
On 23 Oct 2001 08:39:23 +1300, Chris Double <chris@double.co.nz> wrote:
>Maybe not quite what you want but Kali Scheme is a distributed scheme:
> "Kali Scheme is a distributed implementation of Scheme that permits
> efficient transmission of higher-order objects such as closures and
> continuations"
> http://www.neci.nj.nec.com/PLS/Kali.html
Another distributed Scheme is Matthew Fuch's Dreme:
I sent this next in email to Scott, but Luca Cardelli wrote a paper
describing a language with distributed higher order functions:
Obliq: A language with distributed scope.
He's also done a lot of more recent work on "ambients," which is a
kind of process calculus with types to express various facets of
concurrent and distributed computation. It's neat stuff.