
Re: Reducing exe size?

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Bruce Hoult wrote:

> Hmm.  Andreas Bogk just checked in a new d2c mode that allows you to 
> compile a bare Dylan file into a single C file.  It might be possible to 
> (semi?) manually go through one of those and find out what is and isn't 
> needed as a test case.  Well, maybe a Perl script or something :-)
This got me thinking: You don't consider Dylan suitable for scripting
tasks like fiddling with libraries and files etc a la Perl et al? Granted
one should use the appropriate tool for the task at hand and I imagine
Dylan targets larger apps. As a side note, I think one of the strengths of
Ruby (another language, ruby-lang.org) is that it can be used both for
smaller tasks and then scale nicely to larger apps. However, no
multimethods, compilation or type annotations there so I'm checking out

Could you give me some pointers to the functions/libraries relevant for
listing the files in a dir and copying and renaming files? Just want to
try it out and couldn't find simple example programs on the web. And the
Dylan books I've ordered haven't arrived yet.



Follow-Ups: References: