Re: Dylan on Macintosh OS X
On Sunday, December 30, 2001, at 04:30 AM, Bruce Hoult wrote:
> In article <12292224.DFOXRTYT@news.earthlink.net>, Andrew Shalit
> <murrienxnospamx@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> A question: is there any version of Dylan -- Gwydion, FunDev, etc --
>> running on Macintosh OS X? Has anyone begun looking at that project?
> Gwydion works on MacOS X for a value of "works" equal to:
It works. :-) I just use PB for file editing.
> - interfaces to the OS etc are "roll your own".
A useful number have been pre-rolled. :-) Interfaces to many common
carbon APIs come with the distribution and are being actively extended.
Much of QD, the control manager, window manager, and carbon event
managers are available, as well as others . A couple of demo carbon
app.s are in CVS, along with a classic application framework made
obsolete by carbon.
I'm also working slooooowly on a d2c carbon version of DUIM.
> We'd *like* it to work with Project Builder but no one has looked really
> closely at that yet.
Gareth has made some good progress with this. In theory we should be
able to write a plug-in quite simply but I can't find any information
about the new APIs.
- Rob.
"The idea behind Dylan—to offer a range of dynamism appropriate to each
piece of an application—feels right, and after using Dylan you will
become frustrated with C++ and Java."
- Peter Norvig, Software Developer Magazine.