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Re: Microsoft Research: Announcing grants for shared source CLI and C# implementations
"Ken Forbus" <forbus@NOSPAM.northwestern.edu> writes:
> They already support Scheme. The implementation was done at Northwestern.
So? How does that help Lisp or Dylan?
> Scott McKay <swm@attbi.com> wrote in message
> ILuq8.3490$Qk6.1329449@typhoon.ne.ipsvc.net">news:ILuq8.3490$Qk6.1329449@typhoon.ne.ipsvc.net...
> > When CLI supports languages like Lisp and Dylan, I will be glad
> > to contribute and I am sure others on these lists will as well. Until
> such
> > time -- not to put too fine a point on it -- please don't insult us with
> > offers to do so-called "research" to legitimize the crappy, derivative,
> > backward-looking C# and its anti-competitive closed-world runtime.
> >
> > If you would like to engage in a conversation about what it would take
> > to truly open up CLI and make it support such languages, I am sure you
> > would find a very willing audience here.
> >
> > Thank *you* for your attention.
I'd be surprised if he were actually reading either c.l.lisp or
c.l.dylan, since he probably would have chimed in when Duane commented
about Franz's evaluation of the usefulness of an "ACL.NET". :)
-> -/ - Rahul Jain - \- <-
-> -\ http://linux.rice.edu/~rahul -=- mailto:rjain@techie.com /- <-
-> -/ "Structure is nothing if it is all you got. Skeletons spook \- <-
-> -\ people if [they] try to walk around on their own. I really /- <-
-> -/ wonder why XML does not." -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp \- <-
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