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Re: "Dylan Progamming" airport example in Fun-0?

Doug Hockin wrote:
> I just got the airport example compiled.
> [...]
> Then with a little poking around with the browser
> I figured out that what I needed was:
> In the library section of each library using format-out or format-to-string:
>      use functional-extensions;
> In the module section of each library using format-out or format-to-string:
>    use simple-format;

format-out is exported from several modules:

The format-out module in the format-out library.
The format-out module in the io library.
The simple-io  module in the common-dylan library.
The simple-format module in the functional-extensions library.

and maybe others.  I guess this can be confusing, but it provides
some flexibility in how things are packaged.  The IO library is
basically a repackaging of a bunch of I/O related modules such
as standard-io, format, format-out, streams, etc.

> Guess maybe what's in what libraries isn't standardized yet?

I think the only libraries that are standardized are the "dylan"
library and the "common-dylan" library.  Standardized, basically
means that the Functional Developer and Gwydion Dylan implementations
agree on them.

Incidentally, the airport example compiles for me with no changes
in FunDev 2.0 SP1.  It uses format-out:format-out:format-out, but
it also compiles fine using format-out:format-out:io.