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Re: What?

On Sunday, Aug 18, 2002, at 08:30PM, Rainer Joswig <joswig@lispmachine.de> wrote:

>Again, Lisp adapts to this situation. Gary Byers
>has written some nice integration code for OpenMCL. An
>example - now you can use something like Objective C's
>message passing syntax in Lisp code:

I posted some code a while back to call Objective-C from Dylan. It's easy to use the (Apple) Objective-C runtime from other languages: I was writing a wrapper generator but it's easier to just make the calls direct. 
You can get the square brackets using Dylan macros. You'd probably need a prefix to keep the compiler happy, unless you can convince it to pretend it's an anonymous block or a weird call to element() but I haven't checked: 

objc[[object alloc] retain] .

My favourite take on this theme was the magazine article proposing overloading ; in C++ to accept VB. :-)

- Rob.