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Extending Open Generics

I define an open generic in a module, define a method on that generic, 
and export the name.

	define /*exported*/ open generic size( object :: <object> )
	=> ( size :: <object> );

	define /*exported*/ method size( object :: <NSRect> )
	=> ( size :: <NSSize> )...

I use the module in another module, and define another method there.

	define /*exported*/ method size( self :: <NSImageRep> )
	=> ( result :: <NSSize>)...

And d2c gives me the error:

	In Define Module cocoa-wrappers.:
	Error: Can't import size from module cocoa-basics into module 
	because it would clash with size defined inside module cocoa-wrappers.

I thought you could extend open generics in other modules? What am I 
doing wrong?

- Rob.