Visitors to Egypt are often surprised by the variety of types to be
encountered in the course of the shortest stroll through Cairo streets.
Already on landing at Alexandria or Port Said he will have observed the
blue-clad porters at the docks, the uniformed port officials and, perhaps,
the turbaned fishermen setting out to sea in their primitive sailing boats.
On the way to the station he will have noticed the white-clad policeman
directing the traffic and, from the windows of his Pullmann car, he will
have seen, hard at work in the fertile fields, the peasant -"fellah" -worker
who constitutes the backbone of the Egyptian population.
In the capital the variety of types seems almost bewildering. From
any hotel terrace or window the visitor is likely to see, in the space
of a few short minutes, such different types as the Beduin with his white
headdress and the knotted cord which keeps it in place; the fashionable
lady in the latest Paris creation; the woman of the people wearing with
regal carriage her unassuming black wrap and heavy veil; the artisan in
tarboush or turban, gown or European clothes; the dignified and stately
alim (Moslem preacher or professor) in flowing robes and snow-white turban;
and of course, the well-dressed, highly civilised representatives of the
modern country which Ancient Egypt has become. Yet, on closer acquaintance,
it will be found that these types apparently so diverse, offer as many
points of resemblance as of contrast. One language and, to a great extent,
one religion are common to all. On even closer acquaintance the resemblances
are accentuated while dissemblances diminish. Salient characteristics of
every Egyptian are the love of the soil from which he springs, his innate
sense of courtesy and hospitality, his love of little children and his
veneration for old age. These are strong bonds and they intensify the feeling
of brotherhood which, if not peculiar to Egypt, is certainly an outstanding
part of her life.W
Egypt inhabitants directly engaged in agriculture. Many of these are what,
in other lands, would be known as peasant proprietors. Large landowners
in Egypt are comparatively few. By far the greater part of the cultivable
land is divided and sub-divided into small holdings and the fertility of
the soil gives these tiny farms and fields a conside rable capital value.
Simple, hard-working, frugal in his tastes, the Egyptian fellah (pl. fellahin)
has much in common with peasants in other parts of the world. But the peculiarities
of Egyptian agriculture, the lacl, of rainfall and the fact that one river
is the mainstay of his crops has given him characteristics of his own and
a special knowledge which is amazing in its extent and degree. It is the
considered opinion of many experts qualified. to judge that the Egyptian
farmer is unsurpassed in the technical skill which he brings to bear on
his daily labour. From the smallest plot of soil he will extract the maximum
of yield. The accumulated lore of
And yet -it is one of his striking characteristics -.the fellah
is, in the main, a happy and contented man. He has his periodical relaxation,
his periodical rejoicings. They coincide with the chief festivals of the
Mohammedan calendar when all work is suspended, when sheep are killed and
eaten, when cakes are baked and exchanged between neighbours. At weddings
and other domestic celebrations he will spend with a lavish hand the money
which at other times he saves so parsimoniously. On ordinary days the fellah's
recreation is of the simplest. Storytellers are still in request at the
modest coffee-houses which, in most villages, are the only "places of amusement",
There, over a cup of coffee or milkless tea, villagers meet and discuss
the events of the day, the state of the crops, the price of cotton and
-a perennial topic in Egypt irrigation or drainage. But
his traditional love would avail him little if the fellah's fund of farming
knowledge were not accompanied by the unremitting toil of his hands. True,
he has a fertile soil; but a very small plot of that rich earth must be
made to yield sustenance for a whole family. True, he has a climate which
seldom falls short of perfect: but his freedom from anxiety on that score
and his independence of rainfall make of watering and drainage a constant
source of preoccupation and labour.
He rises at dawn and works until sunset. His food is of the most frugal
nature and offers little variety beyond bread, lentils, beans and onions,
His clothing is of the simplest: a blue cotton gown and a brown felt skull-cap.
From early childhood when he is set to tend the cattle or help in the fields,
the fellah's life is one of ever-recurring hard work, Of comfort in his
home he has little according to western standards. A picturesque figure
of Egyptian life is the Bedouin of the desert. It
may as well be admitted at once that the romantic "Son of the Desert" as
depicted on film screens and in many popular novels is a figure which is
more imaginative than real. Rather less glamour and considerably more common
sense are more in keeping with any picture of the Bedouin as he really
is. Nevertheless an element of romance does underlie the lives of the tribes
who live on the fringes of the desert. Their customs and traditions, many
of which date back to the days when their forefathers led a nomad life
in the deserts of Arabia, are a most fascinating subject of observation
and study. To quote but two instances: Bedouin women are not perhaps more
favourable to warfare and fighting than are their sisters of the towns;
yet when, as sometimes happens, a quarrel arises, between Bedouin villagers
the women folk of both parties come out to watch the fray. This is because,
in olden days man was thought to fight better when under the critical eye
of his mother, sister or bride. Again, handed down from the days when marriage
by capture was the rule, it is still 'part of Bedouin wedding festivities
to place a padlock on the gateway of the bride's home. When the families
concerned are wealthy the padlock is often made of solid gold.
Bedouin hospitality is deservdly famous as anyone who has enjoyed it
can testify. For the guest nothing is too good, nothing is too troublesome.
And the Bedouin host manages to convey the flattering impression that the
entertaining of his visitor is the greatest joy he has ever experienced.
The stately garb of the Beduin distinguishes him at once from his fellow
Egyptians. Rarely will he consent to doff his striking head-dress; even
more rarely will he, abandon his hereditary privilege of carrying arms.
He is very much an individualist and, in his lonely settlement, he expects
and prefers to look after himself rather than to enjoy protection.
Many Bedouin tribes have permanently settled on the banks of the Nile
or in the several oases of Egypt. They cultivate the earth, 'though they
have not attained in this respect the taste and skill of their Fellahin
brethren. They are more at home with breeding cattle and horses and in
the latter avocation they are extraordinarily successful. To see, on race
days, a string of Arab horses being led to the course by their Bedouin
breeders, is to witness a sight that yields nothing, so far as glamour
beauty are concerned, with the film conception of desert life.
We now come to the Artisans and industrial workers of Egypt. The former
has always existed and many examples of his craft and skill may be seen
in the Museums of the world. The latter is an element which has grown up
during the 20th Century. So long as the entire Egyptian cotton crop was
exported the cotton crop was a matter of agricultural interest. Now, however,
Egypt spins and weaves a great deal of her own requirements in cotton goods.
This and other enterprises of an industrial nature have created a category
of factory workers. Their comparatively low numbers and their short span
of existence have not so far created an industrial question, but a corporate
spirit is already making itself felt and, in time, the Egyptian factory
worker will doubtless become a powerful factor in the politics and economy
of the country. At the present, however, he and the artisan lead very hard-working
and frugal lives. Their hours of work are long, their leisure scanty and
their earnings small. But here again, as was mentioned in regard to the
Fellahin, they have the assets of a kindly climate, traditions of simple
living and above all, a happy and contented nature. One has but to listen
to the singing which accompanies every kind of "team work" to realise that
labour to the Egyptian workman is more than a means of livelihood; it is
a means of expression and an outlet for his sense of rhythm and co-ordination.
Egypt has a large official and professional class and because its representatives
have usually a knowledge of foreign languages, it is from them that the
visitor to Egypt often derives his main impression of the Egyptian people.
Such impressions are likely to be accurate for, as already stated, the
difference between class and class in Egypt is more superficial than real.
But it is of course natural and desirable that contact with and knowledge
of other countries than his own should form part of the equipment of every
educated Egyptian. In this respect Egypt is greatly favoured. Her own position
as the centre of Islamic culture, coupled with her nearness to Europe,
makes it possible and easy for her educated youth to assimilate what is
best in those two civilisations. To speak two, three or even more languages
is a commonplace among the official and professional classes of Egypt.
Many of them, moreover, have travelled abroad and in addition to the contacts
thereby made, there are those for which the numerous international congresses
and meetings held each year in Egypt give ample opportunity. The speeding
up of communications is likely to accelerate the rhythm of this conStant
interchange of ideas, the result of which can but be advantageous to Egypt
as well as to other countries.
No sketch, however brief, of the people of Egypt, would be complete
without a reference to the number of foreigners who have made Egypt their
home. They have contributed ... very materially to the progress and development
of modern Egypt. In return, they have found in their land of adoption,
a hospitality and kindly tolerance of their beliefs and customs which has
given them a friendly atmosphere in which to live, as well as the possibilities
of success and prosperity. Egypt has no more sincere well-wishers than
the foreign communities within her hospitable frontiers.
There are in Egypt diversities of creed, of origin, of education and
of wealth. But there is only one Egypt, and, in the broad sense, one people
in Egypt: the Egyptian people
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