Search-and-Replace Editing for Personal Photo Collections

Samuel W. Hasinoff, Martyna Jóźwiak, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman


Samuel W. Hasinoff, Martyna Jóźwiak, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman, Search-and-Replace Editing for Personal Photo Collections. Proc. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography, ICCP 2010. [pdf]


We propose a new system for editing personal photo collections, inspired by search-and-replace editing for text. In our system, local edits specified by the user in a single photo (e.g., using the "clone brush" tool) can be propagated automatically to other photos in the same collection, by matching the edited region across photos. To achieve this, we build on tools from computer vision for image matching. Our experimental results on real photo collections demonstrate the feasibility and potential benefits of our approach.

Supplementary material


This work was supported in part by an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, the MIT UROP program, NSF CAREER award 0447561, the Quanta T-Party, NGA NEGI-1582-04-0004, MURI Grant N00014-06-1-0734, and by a gift from Microsoft Research. F. Durand acknowledges a Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellowship and a Sloan Fellowship. Special thanks to Josef Sivic for helpful discussions and sharing code. We also thank the Flickr user Alaskan Dude and the Picasaweb users hadtoshare, riggs.brock, and ToddandApril08, for releasing their photos under a Creative Commons license.