- DELTA Computer Products GmbH loaned a 500MHz Compaq Alpha-21264 XP1000 workstation with 1GB
SDRAM for free during the 9th WCCC / 16th WMCC in 1999 thanks to the
courtesy of Heinz-Dieter Schütt, then Chief Marketing Officer of
- A.S.E. GmbH loaned hardware for free during the 13th
WMCC in 1995 (additional RAM) and the 14th WMCC in 1996 (433MHz DEC
Alpha-21164a PC164 workstation).
- Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) paid for two 500MHz DEC Alpha-21164a PC164 workstations
in March 1997 under external technology research contract DE-0032-97
entitled ``Optimization and Fine-Tuning of a Sophisticated Tree-Searching
Application for 64-bit Alpha CPUs'' as negotiated by the courtesy of
Dr. Frank Severin, then Head of Digital's External Technology Group
- Digital Equipment Corp.'s Workstation Division (in close collaboration with
KryoTech Inc., see below) shipped a cooled 767MHz Alpha-21164a Digital
Personal Workstation prototype with 4MB L3 cache & 512MB SDRAM from
Boston (USA) to Paris (France) and back for use by DARKTHOUGHT during
the 15th WMCC in 1997. Together with the prototype they sent Jeff
Forsythe, an extremely able engineer, over to Paris to attend the
week-long championship where he provided superb service to anybody who
needed help. Furthermore, Digital Equipment Corp. shipped an
identically equipped 600MHz Alpha-21164a workstation from Boston (USA)
to Karlsruhe (Germany) for the final preparations of the DARKTHOUGHT
team two weeks before the championship. Digital Equipment Corp. did all
of the above for free due to the courtesy of Ron Locklin, then Vice
President of Digital's World-Wide Workstation Marketing Division.
- KryoTech Inc. (in close collaboration with Digital Equipment
Corp., see above) provided a cooled 767MHz Alpha-21164a Digital Personal
Workstation prototype for use by DARKTHOUGHT during the 15th WMCC in
1997 thanks to the courtesy and greatly appreciated personal efforts of
Rob diGiacomo, then
Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of KryoTech Inc.
- Sun Microsystems Inc. donated a 167MHz UltraSparc Creator workstation for
program development and 64-bit Sparc V9 benchmarking in February 1996 due
to the courtesy of Eckhard Schaumann, then Head of Sun's German University
Cooperation Unit.
- The Gunther-and-Ingrid Schroff Foundation (administered
by the Chancellor of the University of Karlsruhe), the
Karlsruher Hochschulvereinigung, and the
Institute for Program Structures and Data
Organization (IPD,
Chair Prof. Tichy)
awarded several generous travel grants on the occasions of tournament
- The International Computer Chess Association (ICCA) paid for our air fares from Frankfurt
(Germany) to Jakarta (Indonesia) where the 14th WMCC took place in 1996.
- Peter W. Gillgasch,
a former co-founder of IPD's computer chess group, belonged to the
DARKTHOUGHT team until April 1996. His various contributions are highly
appreciated until today. As described in the
``Implementation History'' section, DARKTHOUGHT
still contains some source code written by Peter.
Created by Ernst A. Heinz, Thu Dec 16 23:28:11 EST 1999