Editorial: Paradigms Fork: All Must Join (I.S. Herschberg and H.J. van den Herik) ..................... 145 Contributions: Machine Learning in Computer Chess: The Next Generation (J. Fuernkranz) .................... 147 A Taxonomy of Parallel Game-Tree Search Algorithms (M.G. Brockington) ...................... 162 Notes: Replacement Schemes and Two-Level Tables (D.M. Breuker, J.W.H.M. Uiterwijk, and H.J. van den Herik) ................................................................ 175 An Upper Bound for the Number of Reachable Positions (S.S. Chinchalkar) .................... 181 Literature Received: Perception and Memory in Chess (A.D. de Groot and F. Gobet) ................................ 183 Research, Re: Search and Re-Search (A. Plaat) .............................................. 186 Best-First Minimax Search (R.E. Korf and D.M. Chickering) .................................. 187 Der Schachcomputerkatalog 1996 (P. Schreiner) .............................................. 187 Reports: Report on the Advances in Computer Chess 8 Conference (Y. Bjornsson, M.G. Brockington, A. Junghanns, and A. Plaat) ............................................................ 189 The Exhibition Games (D.M. Breuker and H.J. van den Herik) ................................. 192 Two Interviews with Ken Thompson (H.J. van den Herik) ...................................... 193 The 1996 World Microcomputer Chess Championship (D. Levy) .................................. 205 Calendar of Computer-Games Events 1996 ..................................................... 208 The Swedish Rating List (T. Karlsson and G. Grottling) ..................................... 209 Correspondence: Go Beyond Chess (M. Schreiber) ............................................................. 210 Computer Chess and Beyond? (D. Rickett) .................................................... 210 Stay with Chess (E.A. Heinz) ............................................................... 211
The two major contributions in this issue provide testimony to a possibly chaotic rate of evolution in the programs that are the source and aim of this Journal. Reviewing ten full years, Fürnkranz has extremely pertinent considerations to offer on the eternal theme of learning. Do not be surprised at the persistence of this notion: by its nature, learning never ceases. What seems unchanged since Skiena (1986) is rote learning, say as in a stored opening book. The lack of change is only apparent: since the magnitude of the rote base has gone up by some critical factor, say from KBytes to MBytes in their hundreds and beyond, we have an amount of knowledge which is qualitatively different through sheer force of being quantitatively expanded. To stress the difference, we should note that the material is now indexed infinitely better. Who could have dreamed of NIC as an ongoing concern?
By happy coincidence, this issue offers a review of searching techniques by Brockington, also looking back to the mid-1980s. Taking again 1986, we see Marsland providing an overview of search algorithms applicable, of course, to a single processor. In the ten years intervening, there has been a shift to searching in parallel. None of the 1986 results have been invalidated; it is just that they have become largely irrelevant through the pressing necessity of exploiting a parallelism almost unheard of ten short years ago. What the articles have in common is that they exhibit such a radical departure from their predecessors that one is forced to postulate a change of paradigm. What was necessarily learned by rote can now be acquired by query, to offer but one example. What was explored on a single-engine track, may now be searched in a shunting-yard providing room for many parallel machines. We cannot and should not anticipate the results our authors present, but we do note the paradigmatical consequences. Even those who will oppose AI now find themselves naturally tending to use the universe of discourse that is typically that of Artificial Intelligence. It is hardly possible to avoid the use of terms, such as ``neural networks'' and ``genetic algorithms''; these objects merit serious applicative study. Nor can one avoid ``search overhead'' and ``communication overhead'' stemming from the realm of parallelism.
The combination of learning and parallelism is a heady mixture, with a potential still hardly touched upon. Due to this potential of the new paradigms we cannot even be sure we have not already entered the era in which, by any objective criterion, the World Champion will be a parallel computer, able and willing to learn. It is our considered opinion that this will not constitute a break in continuity, but that it will be a simple consequence of the new paradigm: many processors acting together, intelligently to all intents and purposes.
There is still an ultimate challenge: learning in parallel, requiring, we believe, yet another change of paradigm. It is fascinating but premature to speculate whether this paradigm is among those conceivable at all.