Editorial: Many Changes (H.J. van den Herik) .......................................................... 121 Contributions: Adaptive Null-Move Pruning (E.A. Heinz) .................................................... 123 Efficient Approximation of Backgammon Race Equities (M. Buro) .............................. 133 Review: A Transference of Bones (D. Hartmann) ...................................................... 143 Reports: Thirteen Years On (D.N.L. Levy) ............................................................ 146 Millennium's End (T.A. Marsland) ........................................................... 147 The 9th World Computer-Chess Championship .................................................. 149 The Tournament (M. Feist) .............................................................. 149 The Search-Engine Features of the Programs (D.F. Beal) ................................. 160 The Man-Machine Contest (M. Feist) ..................................................... 165 Report on the Advances in Computer Chess 9 Conference (Y. Bjoernsson) ...................... 167 Minutes of the ICCA Triennial Meeting (D.F. Beal) .......................................... 171 The Advanced Chess Match between Anand and Karpov (F. Friedel) ............................. 172 Report on the Machine-Learning in Game-Playing Workshop (J. Fuernkranz and M. Kubat) ....... 178 Report on the 9th CSA World Computer-Shogi Championship (M. Sakuta and H. Iida) ............ 180 Report on The First International Shogi Forum (M. Sakuta and H. Iida) ...................... 183 The ChessBase Best-Publication Award (The Board of ICCA) ................................... 185 The ICCA Journal Award 1999 (The Board of ICCA) ............................................ 186 Ernst Heinz: A Scientific Biography .................................................... 186 Calendar of Computer-Games Events in 1999 and 2000 ......................................... 186 The Swedish Rating List (T. Karlsson) ...................................................... 187 Correspondence: The ``Brains of Earth Challenge'' (J. Nunn and F. Friedel) ................................. 188 Correction on Dap Hartmann's Review (I. Althoefer) ......................................... 190 Reaction of the Reviewer (D. Hartmann) ................................................. 191
To this end, we extend standard null-move pruning by a variable depth reduction and introduce what we call adaptive null-move pruning. Quantitative experiments with our chess program DARKTHOUGHT show that adaptive null-move pruning adds a new member to the collection of successful forward-pruning techniques in computer chess. It preserves the tactical strength of DARKTHOUGHT while reducing its search effort by 10 to 30 percent on average in comparison with standard null-move pruning at search depths of 8 to 12 plies. Moreover, adaptive null-move pruning is easy to implement and scales nicely with progressing search depth.
First, the Editors would like to congratulate Stefan Meyer-Kahlen on winning the title World Champion among computer-chess programs for the period 1999 to 2002. His program SHREDDER achieved a deserved first place at the WCCC'99 in Paderborn, after an exciting play-off against FERRET (Bruce Moreland). SHREDDER took over the title from FRITZ (Frans Morsch, Cock de Gorter, and Mathias Feist).
Second, after thirteen years of services our President Tony Marsland has stepped down. The overview of the activities and tournaments under his Presidentship is impressive. We thank him for his enthusiasm, his scientific contributions, and his guidance. Much wisdom was necessary to keep the ICCA going on the right track.
Third, the conference Advances in Computer Chess 9 was an overwhelming success. This series of conferences has attracted the attention of game-playing researchers from all over the world. The result is that those researchers submitted papers on many games different from chess. As a consequence the idea of changing the name from Advances in Computer Chess to Advances in Computer Games has been almost generally welcomed. Fourth, the developments mentioned above had not escaped the attention of the new ICCA Board. Therefore, they suggested in the Triennial Meeting to broaden the scope of the ICCA Journal officially by encouraging the Editor to solicit contributions which are not chess-specific, but games-oriented. The result of this change in policy has already been incorporated in this issue. (See also below.)
Fifth, the ChessBase organisation has expressed the willingness to cooperate more closely with the ICCA. In addition to their articles (see the article by Frederic Friedel and also the Correspondence section), they have contributed a CD ROM for our readership containing opinions bridging the gap between human Grandmasters and top programs.
Sixth, the ChessBase organisation has offered to continue the Mephisto/Novag Award. For 1999 we will again have an Award, of course now called the ChessBase Best-Publication Award, which enables the ICCA to distinguish a researcher or a group of researchers for their excellence.
Seventh, the ICCA Board has been enlarged by the position of an ``active programmers'' representative. This position is now filled by Martin Zentner. The ICCA expects many ideas and activities from him, which will be communicated to our readers in the Journal.
Eighth, the subscription fee has been settled for international use as US-$ 40 (as was) and Euro 40. (See the minutes of the Triennial Meeting.)
Ninth, the ICCA Board has decided (September 11, 1999) to combine ideas of the uniform-platform tournament and the annual World Microcomputer-Chess Championship (WMCC), by organising a World PC Computer-Chess Championship 2000 in London on a uniform platform. For details, see the Presidential Address.
Tenth, the Editorial Board is proud to have been able to report since 1983 a scientific breakthrough in each issue; sometimes a small one, at other times a larger one. The last two years we were fortunate to publish many outstanding contributions by Ernst Heinz. Again, his Adaptive Null-Move Pruning enhances our understanding of the intricacies of game-tree search. No change in his series, but an increase in our knowledge.
After the many changes mentioned above, your Editor feels he is still running to keep up with the many changes in the computer-games field. Let us hope that the 21st century will continue the current slope.