PST-marble-v1.4 Commands


RGB colors can be specified in three formats:

[0.906 0.8 0.608]
Red, green, and blue color components between 0 and 1 in square brackets.
[231 204 155]
Red, green, and blue color components between 0 and 255 in square brackets.
Red, green, and blue (RrGgBb) hexadecimal color components between 00 and fF in parentheses.

In the command arguments [rgb ...] indicates a bracketed sequence of colors. For example:

  [(c28847) [231 204 155] [0.635 0.008 0.094]]


\psMarble [ parameter-assignment, ..., parameter-assignment ](width,height)

\psMarble [ parameter-assignment, ..., parameter-assignment ](x−,y−)(x+,y+)

The comma separated parameter assignments are part of the \psMarble command. In the list below, the default value for each parameter is shown to the right of the parameter name. Note that the values assigned to background=, colors=, seed=, actions=, and spractions= must be enclosed in curly braces {}.

background= {[0 0 0]}
Specifies the color for regions where paint has not been dropped (or moved to).
bckg= true
When bckg=false the background color is not shown.
colors= { [0.275 0.569 0.796] [0.965 0.882 0.302] [0.176 0.353 0.129] [0.635 0.008 0.094] [0.078 0.165 0.518] [0.824 0.592 0.031] [0.059 0.522 0.392] [0.816 0.333 0.475] [0.365 0.153 0.435] [0.624 0.588 0.439] }
Specifies a color sequence accessible in paint-dropping commands as colors.
drawcontours= false
When drawcontours=true paint contours are drawn with lines; when drawcontours=false contours are filled;
oversample= 0
When oversample=0 a resolution-independent image is produced using contour-rendering. When the number of drops gets too large (> 150) triangular artifacts start to appear. Changing to oversample=1 employs raster-rendering to more quickly compute each image pixel individually. When oversample=2 the rendering takes four times as long, but each pixel is the averaged over its four quarters, producing an image nearly as good as oversample=0. With GhostScript oversample=2 rendering takes four times as long, but produces an image no better than oversample=1. When oversample is between 0 and 1, the rendering is on a coarser grid than oversample=1, speeding image production.
overscan= 1
When the overscan value is greater than 1, proportionally more image (outside of the specified area) is shown, and the specified area is outlined with a dashed rectangular border. This is a utility for developing marblings, new for version 1.4.
seed= {Mathematical Marbling}
Specifies the random seed used for Gaussian-drops and uniform-drops commands. Changing the seed value changes the positions of all drops from the Gaussian-drops and uniform-drops commands.
viscosity= 1000
Specifies the overall kinetic viscosity of the virtual tank fluid. Its units are mm2/s; the default value of 1000, which is 1000 times more viscous than water, is a typical value for marbling. Increasing viscosity reduces the fluid movement far from the tines.
actions= {0 0 36 colors 35 concentric-rings}
Specifies the sequence of marbling commands to perform. The default is a single command dropping 35 colors in the colors sequence. The available commands are listed below.
spractions= {}
Specifies the sequence of spray commands to perform. Spray commands are performed after marbling.

Dropping Paint

x y Rd rgb drop
Places a drop of color rgb and radius Rd centered at location x,y.
x y Ri [rgb ...] n concentric-rings
Places n rings in color sequence [rgb ...] centered at location x,y, each ring having thickness Ri.
x y θ [R ...] [rgb ...] Rd line-drops
Places drops of colors [rgb ...] (in sequence) of radius Rd in a line through x,y at θ degrees clockwise from vertical at distances [R ...] from x,y.
x y R θ S δ [rgb ...] n Rd coil-drops
Places n drops of colors [rgb ...] (in sequence) of radius Rd in an arc or spiral centered at x,y starting at radius R and θ degrees clockwise from vertical, moving S along the arc and incrementing the arc radius by δ after each drop.
x y R θ ε [rgb ...] n Rd Gaussian-drops
Places n drops of colors [rgb ...] of radius Rd randomly in a circular or elliptical disk centered at x,y having mean radius R, θ degrees clockwise from vertical, and length-to-width ratio ε.  For a circular disk, 63% of drops are within radius R, 87% of drops are within R⋅sqrt(2), and 98% of drops are within radius 2⋅R.
x y Lx Ly θ [rgb ...] n Rd uniform-drops
Places n drops of colors [rgb ...] of radius Rd randomly in a Lx by Ly rectangle centered at location x,y and rotated by θ degrees clockwise from vertical.


θ [R ...] V S D rake
Pulls tines of diameter D at θ degrees clockwise from the positive y-axis through the virtual tank at velocity V, moving fluid on the tine path a distance S.  The tine paths are spaced [R ...] from the tank center at their nearest points.
xb yb xe ye V D stylus
Pulls a single tine of diameter D from xb,yb to xe,ye at velocity V.  Legacy name stroke also works.
x y [R ...] ω θ D stir
Pulls tines of diameter D in circular tracks of radii [R ...] (negative R is counterclockwise) around location x,y at angular velocity ω.  The maximum angle through which fluid is moved is θ degrees.
x y Γ t vortex
Rotates fluid clockwise around location x,y as would result from an impulse of circulation Γ after time t.  At small t the rotational shear is concentrated close to the center. As time passes the shear propagates outward.
θ λ Ω S wiggle
Applies sinsusoidal wiggle with period λ and maximum displacement S to whole tank. With θ=0, a point at x,y is moved to x+S⋅sin(360⋅y/λ+Ω),y.
θ R shift
Shifts tank by R at θ degrees clockwise from vertical.
[n S Ω tines]
The tines command and its arguments are replaced by a sequence of n numbers. The difference between adjacent numbers is S and the center number is Ω when n is odd and S/2−Ω when n is even.

Spray Actions

Spray actions are intended for drops small enough that they don’t noticeably move paint boundaries.  The radii of spray droplets are the cube roots of log-normal distributed values with mean Rd.

x y R θ ε [rgb ...] n Rd Gaussian-spray
Places n drops of colors [rgb ...] randomly in a circular or elliptical disk centered at x,y having mean radius R, θ degrees clockwise from vertical, and length-to-width ratio ε.  For a circular disk, 63% of drops are within radius R, 87% of drops are within R⋅sqrt(2), and 98% of drops are within radius 2⋅R.
x y Lx Ly θ [rgb ...] n Rd uniform-spray
Places n drops of colors [rgb ...] randomly in a Lx by Ly rectangle centered at location x,y and rotated by θ degrees clockwise from vertical.

Copyright © 2019 Aubrey Jaffer

I am a guest and not a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.  My actions and comments do not reflect in any way on MIT.
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