curved banding

Textile Designs

The toroidal marblings of the previous chapter create patterns which tile the plane gracefully, with no jarring reflections or reversals. Obvious applications would be patterns for watermarks, wallpaper, and fabrics.

While creating the white background marblings for these pages, I was reminded of damask fabric. I adjusted the color (band) sequences to mimic the subtle damask sheens.

This blue damask marbling makes a pleasant "Desktop" background pattern (tiled).

These patterns bear more than a superficial resemblance to finger prints. The parameters controlling color, strokes, and displacements are infinitely variable, but difficult to reverse engineer.

The design underlying the marbling need not be concentric paint circles. A Gingham fabric provides an interesting basis.

The resulting pattern suggests sheafs of wheat.

[image is linked to marbled gingham tiling]

Like tartans, unique marblings could be created for a clan or occasion.

This tartan marbles into a kelp forest!

[image is linked to marbled tartan tiling]

The next chapter explores effects which look like double marbling.

Copyright © 2004 Aubrey Jaffer

I am a guest and not a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.  My actions and comments do not reflect in any way on MIT.
Topological Computer Graphics
agj @
Go Figure!