This message announces the availability of SIMSYNCH release synch-1c5. New in synch-1c5: synch-1c5 is a maintenance release. * Supports GNU configure. * Makefile: Reorganized per . -=-=- SIMSYNCH is a simulator for digital electronics at scales from chip to board. The design files are comprised of Scheme definitions and expressions. These design files can be run as a Scheme program at high speed. The design files can also be translated into formats suitable for logic compilers (MACHXL, Verilog, and VHDL). SIMSYNCH simulates blocks of synchronous logic, signals whose states change simultaneously on a clock signal transition. Each block also has a reset signal, which forces all signals to the state specified in the design file. SIMSYNCH can simultaneously simulate multiple blocks with different clocks and resets. Devices can contain multiple blocks; Blocks can span multiple devices. SIMSYNCH is an application of the SCM Scheme implementation. Documentation is included in the distribution. Documentation is also online at: SIMSYNCH source is available from: SCM is the Scheme implementation under which SIMSYNCH runs. SCM source is available from: Also available as a binary RPM: Also available as i386 MS-Windows installer: SLIB is a Scheme library which SCM and SIMSYNCH use: Also available as RPM: Also available as MS-Windows installer: Programs for printing and viewing TexInfo documentation (which SIMSYNCH has) come with GNU Emacs or can be obtained via ftp from: