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Returns a hash function (like hashq
, hashv
, or
) corresponding to the equality predicate pred.
pred should be eq?
, eqv?
, equal?
, =
, char-ci=?
, string=?
, or
A hash table is a vector of association lists.
Returns a vector of k empty (association) lists.
Hash table functions provide utilities for an associative database.
These functions take an equality predicate, pred, as an argument.
pred should be eq?
, eqv?
, equal?
, =
, char-ci=?
, string=?
, or
Returns a hash association function of 2 arguments, key and
hashtab, corresponding to pred. The returned function
returns a key-value pair whose key is pred-equal to its first
argument or #f
if no key in hashtab is pred-equal to
the first argument.
Returns a procedure of 2 arguments, hashtab and key, which
returns the value associated with key in hashtab or
if key does not appear in hashtab.
Returns a procedure of 3 arguments, hashtab, key, and value, which modifies hashtab so that key and value associated. Any previous value associated with key will be lost.
Returns a procedure of 2 arguments, hashtab and key, which modifies hashtab so that the association whose key is key is removed.
Returns a new hash table formed by mapping proc over the keys and values of hash-table. proc must be a function of 2 arguments which returns the new value part.
Applies proc to each pair of keys and values of hash-table. proc must be a function of 2 arguments. The returned value is unspecified.
accepts a hash table predicate and returns a function of two
arguments hashtab and new-k which is specialized for
that predicate.
This function is used for nondestrutively resizing a hash table. hashtab should be an existing hash-table using pred, new-k is the size of a new hash table to be returned. The new hash table will have all of the associations of the old hash table.
Next: Object, Previous: Dynamic Data Type, Up: Data Structures [Contents][Index]