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4.13 Time and Date

If (provided? 'current-time):

The procedures current-time, difftime, and offset-time deal with a calendar time datatype which may or may not be disjoint from other Scheme datatypes.

Function: current-time

Returns the time since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970, measured in seconds. Note that the reference time is different from the reference time for get-universal-time in Common-Lisp Time.

Function: difftime caltime1 caltime0

Returns the difference (number of seconds) between twe calendar times: caltime1 - caltime0. caltime0 may also be a number.

Function: offset-time caltime offset

Returns the calendar time of caltime offset by offset number of seconds (+ caltime offset).

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4.13.1 Time Zone

(require ’time-zone)

Data Format: TZ-string

POSIX standards specify several formats for encoding time-zone rules.


If the first character of <pathname> is ‘/’, then <pathname> specifies the absolute pathname of a tzfile(5) format time-zone file. Otherwise, <pathname> is interpreted as a pathname within tzfile:vicinity (/usr/lib/zoneinfo/) naming a tzfile(5) format time-zone file.


The string <std> consists of 3 or more alphabetic characters. <offset> specifies the time difference from GMT. The <offset> is positive if the local time zone is west of the Prime Meridian and negative if it is east. <offset> can be the number of hours or hours and minutes (and optionally seconds) separated by ‘:’. For example, -4:30.


<dst> is the at least 3 alphabetic characters naming the local daylight-savings-time.


<doffset> specifies the offset from the Prime Meridian when daylight-savings-time is in effect.

The non-tzfile formats can optionally be followed by transition times specifying the day and time when a zone changes from standard to daylight-savings and back again.


The <time>s are specified like the <offset>s above, except that leading ‘+’ and ‘-’ are not allowed.

Each <date> has one of the formats:


specifies the Julian day with <day> between 1 and 365. February 29 is never counted and cannot be referenced.


This specifies the Julian day with n between 0 and 365. February 29 is counted in leap years and can be specified.


This specifies day <day> (0 <= <day> <= 6) of week <week> (1 <= <week> <= 5) of month <month> (1 <= <month> <= 12). Week 1 is the first week in which day d occurs and week 5 is the last week in which day <day> occurs. Day 0 is a Sunday.

Data Type: time-zone

is a datatype encoding how many hours from Greenwich Mean Time the local time is, and the Daylight Savings Time rules for changing it.

Function: time-zone TZ-string

Creates and returns a time-zone object specified by the string TZ-string. If time-zone cannot interpret TZ-string, #f is returned.

Function: tz:params caltime tz

tz is a time-zone object. tz:params returns a list of three items:

  1. An integer. 0 if standard time is in effect for timezone tz at caltime; 1 if daylight savings time is in effect for timezone tz at caltime.
  2. The number of seconds west of the Prime Meridian timezone tz is at caltime.
  3. The name for timezone tz at caltime.

tz:params is unaffected by the default timezone; inquiries can be made of any timezone at any calendar time.

Function: tz:std-offset tz

tz is a time-zone object. tz:std-offset returns the number of seconds west of the Prime Meridian timezone tz is.

The rest of these procedures and variables are provided for POSIX compatability. Because of shared state they are not thread-safe.

Function: tzset

Returns the default time-zone.

Function: tzset tz

Sets (and returns) the default time-zone to tz.

Function: tzset TZ-string

Sets (and returns) the default time-zone to that specified by TZ-string.

tzset also sets the variables *timezone*, daylight?, and tzname. This function is automatically called by the time conversion procedures which depend on the time zone (see Time and Date).

Variable: *timezone*

Contains the difference, in seconds, between Greenwich Mean Time and local standard time (for example, in the U.S. Eastern time zone (EST), timezone is 5*60*60). *timezone* is initialized by tzset.

Variable: daylight?

is #t if the default timezone has rules for Daylight Savings Time. Note: daylight? does not tell you when Daylight Savings Time is in effect, just that the default zone sometimes has Daylight Savings Time.

Variable: tzname

is a vector of strings. Index 0 has the abbreviation for the standard timezone; If daylight?, then index 1 has the abbreviation for the Daylight Savings timezone.

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4.13.2 Posix Time

(require 'posix-time)
Data Type: Calendar-Time

is a datatype encapsulating time.

Data Type: Coordinated Universal Time

(abbreviated UTC) is a vector of integers representing time:

  1. seconds (0 - 61)
  2. minutes (0 - 59)
  3. hours since midnight (0 - 23)
  4. day of month (1 - 31)
  5. month (0 - 11). Note difference from decode-universal-time.
  6. the number of years since 1900. Note difference from decode-universal-time.
  7. day of week (0 - 6)
  8. day of year (0 - 365)
  9. 1 for daylight savings, 0 for regular time
Function: gmtime caltime

Converts the calendar time caltime to UTC and returns it.

Function: localtime caltime tz

Returns caltime converted to UTC relative to timezone tz.

Function: localtime caltime

converts the calendar time caltime to a vector of integers expressed relative to the user’s time zone. localtime sets the variable *timezone* with the difference between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local standard time in seconds (see tzset).

Function: gmktime univtime

Converts a vector of integers in GMT Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format to a calendar time.

Function: mktime univtime

Converts a vector of integers in local Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format to a calendar time.

Function: mktime univtime tz

Converts a vector of integers in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format (relative to time-zone tz) to calendar time.

Function: asctime univtime

Converts the vector of integers caltime in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format into a string of the form "Wed Jun 30 21:49:08 1993".

Function: gtime caltime
Function: ctime caltime
Function: ctime caltime tz

Equivalent to (asctime (gmtime caltime)), (asctime (localtime caltime)), and (asctime (localtime caltime tz)), respectively.

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4.13.3 Common-Lisp Time

(require 'common-lisp-time)
Function: get-decoded-time

Equivalent to (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time)).

Function: get-universal-time

Returns the current time as Universal Time, number of seconds since 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1900 GMT. Note that the reference time is different from current-time.

Function: decode-universal-time univtime

Converts univtime to Decoded Time format. Nine values are returned:

  1. seconds (0 - 61)
  2. minutes (0 - 59)
  3. hours since midnight
  4. day of month
  5. month (1 - 12). Note difference from gmtime and localtime.
  6. year (A.D.). Note difference from gmtime and localtime.
  7. day of week (0 - 6)
  8. #t for daylight savings, #f otherwise
  9. hours west of GMT (-24 - +24)

Notice that the values returned by decode-universal-time do not match the arguments to encode-universal-time.

Function: encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year
Function: encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year time-zone

Converts the arguments in Decoded Time format to Universal Time format. If time-zone is not specified, the returned time is adjusted for daylight saving time. Otherwise, no adjustment is performed.

Notice that the values returned by decode-universal-time do not match the arguments to encode-universal-time.

4.13.4 ISO 8601

(require 'iso-8601)

Function: time->iso-8601 time

time is the time in seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970. time->iso-8601 returns an expanded ISO 8601 format string for the date and time.

Function: time->iso8601 time

time is a time in seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970. time->iso8601 returns a compact ISO 8601 format string for the date and time.

Function: iso-8601->time str

str is a string in ISO 8601 format, either compact or expanded. iso-8601->time returns that time in seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970.

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4.13.5 Time Infrastructure

(require 'time-core)

Function: time:gmtime tm
Function: time:invert decoder target
Function: time:split t tm_isdst tm_gmtoff tm_zone

(require 'tzfile)

Function: tzfile:read path

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