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6.4 SCM Record Operations

Scheme Procedure: bt:get han key

han is a handle to an open bt. key is a string less than 255.B in length.

bt:get returns a string of the value associated with key in the bt which han is open to. bt:get returns #f if key is not associated in the bt.

Scheme Procedure: bt:next han key

han is a handle to an open bt. key is a string less than 255.B in length.

bt:next returns the next key in bt han or #f if none.

Scheme Procedure: bt:prev han key

han is a handle to an open bt. key is a string less than 255.B in length.

bt:prev returns the previous key in bt han or #f if none.

Scheme Procedure: bt:put! han key val

han is a handle to an open, mutable bt. key and val are strings less than 255.B in length.

bt:put! associates key with val in the bt han. A status code is returned.

Scheme Procedure: bt:rem! han key

han is a handle to an open, mutable bt. key is a string less than 255.B in length.

bt:rem! removes key and it’s associated value from bt han.

The value strings bt:get and bt:put! work with are limited to 255.B in length. db:get and db:put! work with value strings up to 64770.B in length.

Scheme Procedure: db:get han key

han is a handle to an open bt. key is a string less than 255.B in length.

db:get returns a string (up to 64770.B long) of the value associated with key in the bt which han is open to. Returns #f if key is not in the bt.

Scheme Procedure: db:put! han key val

han is a handle to an open, mutable bt. key is a string less than 255.B in length. val is a string less than 64770.B in length.

db:put! associates key with val in the bt han. A status code is returned.

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