Jason E Miller
Research Scientist
32 Vassar Street Rm 32-G776
Cambridge, MA 02139

email: jasonm AT mit DOT edu
tel: (617) 253-8473

I am a Research Scientist in the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). I'm a member of the Carbon research group which was started by Professor Anant Agarwal (before he became CEO of edX) and is currently supervised by Professor Srini Devadas. I have a long history at MIT since I did both my undergraduate and graduate work here as well. I received my SB and MEng degrees in 1999 and my PhD in 2007, all in Course 6 (MIT's shorthand name for the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department).

Research Projects

My research interests are primarily in multicore processor and system architecture but I have also worked in runtime software systems, simulation and even dabbled in operating systems. My past and current projects include:

Selected Publications