Installing Cisco VPN Client on 64-bit Ubuntu
Caution! These instructions are for VPN client version with kernel 2.6.24.x.
- Acquire a distribution of VPN client for 64 bit Hardy. You can allegedly do this (for free) by registering on Cisco's site, but Cisco's site was having some issues so this did not work for me. Fortunately this is also available here. You can acquire the latest version:
- You will need to install the following patches:
According to other sources, you should apply them as follows:
patch < ./vpnclient-linux-2.6.24-final.diff
patch < ./cisco_skbuff_offset.patch
I had to apply the first patch again to make it work, so maybe the order is actually reversed.
- At this point, you should be able to run
sudo ./vpn_install
If this is successful, you should see normal-looking install messages which end with the following:
* You must run "/etc/init.d/vpnclient_init start" before using the client.
* You will need to run this script every time you reboot your computer.
- These messages to not lie. Before you run start, however, you should download the file MIT.pcf, change the username to your own, and move it to your /etc/opt/cisco-vpnclient/Profiles directory.
- Now you are ready to run
sudo /etc/init.d/vpnclient_init start
- To connect to MIT using the specifications in MIT.pcf, run
sudo vpnclient connect MIT