@ARTICLE{HerzogEtAl97, AUTHOR = {Jonathan Herzog and Christopher McLaren and Anant Godbole}, TITLE = {Generalized $k$-matches}, JOURNAL = {Statistics and Probability Letters}, YEAR = 1998, VOLUME = 38, PAGES = {167--175} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ThayerHerzogGuttman98, AUTHOR = {F. Javier {\textsc{Thayer} F\'{a}brega} and Jonathan Herzog and Joshua D. Guttman}, TITLE = {Strand Spaces: Why is a Security Protocol Correct?}, BOOKTITLE = {1998 {IEEE} Symposium on Security and Privacy}, YEAR = 1998, MONTH = {May}, URL = {http://www.mitre.org/work/tech_papers/tech_papers_00/guttman_strands/index.html}, PUBLISHER = {{IEEE} Computer Society Press} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ThayerHerzogGuttman98a, AUTHOR = {F. Javier {\textsc{Thayer} F\'{a}brega} and Jonathan Herzog and Joshua D. Guttman}, TITLE = {Honest Ideals on Strand Spaces}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th {IEEE} Computer Security Foundations Workshop}, YEAR = 1998, MONTH = {June}, URL = {http://www.mitre.org/work/tech_papers/tech_papers_00/guttman_honest/index.html}, PUBLISHER = {{IEEE} Computer Society Press} }
@ARTICLE{ThayerHerzogGuttman99, AUTHOR = {F. Javier Thayer and Jonathan Herzog and Joshua D. Guttman}, TITLE = {Strand Spaces: Proving Security Protocols Correct}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Computer Security}, YEAR = 1999, VOLUME = 7, NUMBER = {2/3}, URL = {http://www.mitre.org/work/best_papers/best_papers_99/winner_strand_spaces/index.html}, PAGES = {191--230} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ThayerHerzogGuttman99a, AUTHOR = {F. Javier {\textsc{Thayer} F\'{a}brega} and Jonathan Herzog and Joshua D. Guttman}, TITLE = {Mixed Strand Spaces}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th {IEEE} Computer Security Foundations Workshop}, YEAR = 1999, MONTH = {June}, URL = {http://www.mitre.org/work/tech_papers/tech_papers_00/guttman_mprotocols/index.html}, PUBLISHER = {{IEEE} Computer Society Press} }
@MASTERSTHESIS{Herzog02, AUTHOR = {Jonathan Herzog}, TITLE = {Computational Soundness for Formal Adversaries}, SCHOOL = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, YEAR = 2002, PS = {http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~cis/theses/jherzog-masters.ps}, PDF = {http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~cis/theses/jherzog-masters.pdf}, MONTH = {October} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Herzog03, AUTHOR = {Jonathan Herzog}, TITLE = {The {Diffie-Hellman} Key-Agreement Scheme in the Strand-Space Model}, BOOKTITLE = {16th Computer Security Foundations Workshop}, PAGES = {234--247}, YEAR = 2003, ADDRESS = {Asilomar, CA}, MONTH = {June}, URL = {http://www.mitre.org/work/tech_papers/tech_papers_03/herzog_diffie_strands/index.html}, PUBLISHER = {{IEEE CS} Press} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{HerzogEtAl03, AUTHOR = {Jonathan Herzog and Moses Liskov and Silvio Micali}, TITLE = {Plaintext Awareness via Key Registration}, PAGES = {548-564}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Cryptology - {CRYPTO} 2003}, YEAR = 2003, EDITOR = {Dan Boneh}, VOLUME = 2729, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, MONTH = {August}, PS = {http://theory.csail.mit.edu/~jherzog/papers/plaintext_aware.ps}, PDF = {http://theory.csail.mit.edu/~jherzog/papers/plaintext_aware.ps}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag} }
@PHDTHESIS{Herzog04, AUTHOR = {Jonathan Herzog}, TITLE = {Computational Soundness for Standard Assumptions of Formal Cryptography}, SCHOOL = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, YEAR = 2004, PS = {http://theory.csail.mit.edu/~jherzog/papers/herzog-phd.ps}, PDF = {http://theory.csail.mit.edu/~jherzog/papers/herzog-phd.pdf}, MONTH = {May} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{GuttmanEtAl04, AUTHOR = {Joshua D. {Guttman} and F. Javier Thayer and Jay A. Carlson and Jonathan Herzog and John D. Ramsdell and Brian T. Sniffen}, TITLE = {Trust Management in Strand Spaces: A Rely-Guarantee Method}, BOOKTITLE = {Programming Languages and Systems: 13th European Symposium on Programming}, PAGES = {325--339}, YEAR = 2004, EDITOR = {David Schmidt}, NUMBER = 2986, SERIES = {LNCS}, PS = {http://theory.csail.mit.edu/~jherzog/papers/rely-guarantee.ps}, PDF = {http://theory.csail.mit.edu/~jherzog/papers/rely-guarantee.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
@MISC{CanettiHerzog04, AUTHOR = {Ran Canetti and Jonathan Herzog}, TITLE = {Universally Composable Symbolic Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols (The case of encryption-based mutual authentication and key exchange)}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2004/334}, YEAR = {2004}, URL = {http://eprint.iacr.org/} }
@ARTICLE{Herzog05, AUTHOR = {Jonathan Herzog}, TITLE = {A Computational Interpretation of Dolev-Yao Adversaries}, JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier}, MONTH = {June}, YEAR = {2005} }
@UNPUBLISHED{YounEtAl04, AUTHOR = {Paul Youn and Ben Adida and Mike Bond and Jolyon Clulow and Jonathan Herzog and Amerson Lin and Ronald L. Rivest}, TITLE = {Robbing the Bank with a Theorem Prover}, NOTE = {In submission}, MONTH = {November}, YEAR = 2004 }
@UNPUBLISHED{CanettiHerzog05, AUTHOR = {Ran Canetti and Jonathan Herzog}, TITLE = {Universally Composable Symbolic Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols (The case of encryption-based mutual authentication and key exchange)}, NOTE = {In submission} }
@UNPUBLISHED{AdaoEtAl05, AUTHOR = {Pedro Ad\~ao and Gergei Bana and Jonathan Herzog and Andre Scedrov}, TITLE = {Soundness of Abadi-Rogaway Logics in the Presence of Key-Cycles}, NOTE = {In submission} }
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