Jacob Scott
I am a third year graduate student in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory, where I am advised by David Karger. I am funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific
Research in the form of a National Defense Science and
Engineering Graduate Fellowship.
I graduated from the University of California at Berkeley, where I studied
Computer Science, in May 2005. My undergraduate research advisor was Richard M. Karp.
I now (as of April, 2008) have a personal blog. You may also be interested in my CV: PDF, HTML.
- Ayalvadi Ganesh, Dinan Gunawardena, Peter Key, Laurent Massoulie, and Jacob Scott (2006). Efficient quarantining of scanning worms: optimal detection and coordination. Twenty-Fifth Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2006).
- Dinan Gunawardena, Jacob Scott, Alf Zugenmaier, and Austin Donnelly (2005). Countering Automated Exploits with System Security CAPTCHAS. Thirteenth International Workshop on Security Protocols (SP 2005).
- Jacob Scott, Trey Ideker, Richard M. Karp, and Roded Sharan (2005). Efficient Algorithms for Detecting Signaling Pathways in Protein Interaction Networks . Ninth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2005). Also a journal version will soon appear in the Journal of Computational Biology.
- Jacob Scott (2004). The Role of Public Policy in the Fight Against Spam. Journal of Engineering and Public Policy (WISE2004). This paper was not peer reviewed.
- William L. George and Jacob Scott (2002). Screen Saver Science: Realizing Distributed Parallel Computing with Jini and JavaSpaces. Eleventh International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT2002).
- Efficient Algorithms for Detecting Signaling Pathways in Protein Interaction Networks . Ninth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2005).
- The Role of Public Policy in the Fight Against Spam. WISE 2004 Presentations.