Misc File: A conversation with RMS (digg)
This is the full transcript of a recent conversation I had with Richard M. Stallman about the ethics of software. The conversation continues. However, rms has asked me not to publish his later responses. When I have a chance, I will write up the questions which I asked him in those later emails. Until then, consider this text from a more recent email:
I think you are doing an excellent job of answering my questions, but except for a brief answer to my Constitutional quote, seem to be avoiding the larger implications. There are only twenty four hours in a day and there are a multitude of unjust and unethical practices happening every second of them. Unless I were to live isolated from everyone in the woods (in which case, I would be unable to fix problems), I strongly suspect that I will be perpetuating some system of injustice (e.g., by consuming energy). You may claim that the barriers to becoming ethical in terms of software are low - but (a), this seems to ring of the sort of thing you explicitly dislike from the open-source movement, and (b) I think that what is important is the perceived barriers - so that while it may be possible to educate people, if after spending a week in an email discussion with you, they feel it is a substantial and not trivial sacrifice to switch from Windows to GNU/Linux, that is the core of the matter.
The thread starts here and proceeds chronologically.
From: Jacob Scott Date: April 4, 2006 9:19:29 PM EDT To: rms Subject: Questions about your talk at ANU Mr Stallman, we exchanged emails briefly in early March about a talk given by a Mathematica executive/researcher (below). A transcript of a recent talk at ANU (http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2006/04/unabridged- selective-transcript-of.html) was recently posted on Slashdot, and I had some questions. If you don't have time to answer, this is already documented online, or if there is someone else in the FSF/GNU I should direct my comments to, please let me know. I will try to be concise and to the point. In the transcript you are quoted as saying: "One person would give up his freedom when ever you can offer him convenience in its return and the other would fight for his freedom" when you describe the differences between an open-source advocate and a free software advocate. You also are quoted as saying: "I don't criticise and condemn people just because they don't stand up for free software strongly as I do. As long as what they are doing is good, I will say what they are doing is good and I might suggest somethings they could do." I believe (maybe you can inform me) that I am in general a proponent of the GNU philosophy. I am a first year graduate student in CS at MIT, but I consider myself a very poor systems programmer (I am in Theory). I currently use, when I have the choice, exclusively Apple's OSX. This is because I am at least one order of magnitude more efficient (I would say that this rises to a level above "convince") with OSX than with GNU/Linux. I say this having spent a non-trivial amount of time over the last 4-8 years attempting to use GNU/Linux distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, and Fedora Core. I find that in particular the Graphical User Interface of OSX is far superior to the GNU/Linux alternatives (e.g., GNOME, KDE, etc) - at least the experience offered to the non-expert. I also strongly dislike DRM. That said, I have an iPod and have started to purchase music (wrapped in DRM) via the iTunes music store. I suppose here, I could go into the store and buy the CDs in audio format and rip them myself, and this would be more appropriate? The only problem there, I suppose, is that only from online music services can you purchase single songs at reasonable prices. If I only want one song on a CD, is the ~10x cost differential the price I pay for freedom? Or is it reasonable to purchase DRMed music and realize that when the free alternative arrives, all my money spent will have gone down the drain (this, paradoxically, might be the strategy I prefer). Given that I try to use free software when possible (e.g. Camino, Videolan Client, Adium), do you have any other advice? To be a thoughtful, honest, and freedom loving person, do you have any suggestions about my software use, other than that I should try to switch to more free software whenever it approaches the usability I need? To butcher Gandhi, what is your message to those of us who cannot "be the change you want to see in software"? Thanks very much, Jacob [previous email snipped]
The partial transcript of the talk is here.
The same guy posted a follow up that might also be interesting.
From: Richard Stallman Date: April 4, 2006 11:47:21 PM EDT To: Jacob Scott Subject: Re: Questions about your talk at ANU I currently use, when I have the choice, exclusively Apple's OSX. This is because I am at least one order of magnitude more efficient I would not make the choice based on this. What you're saying is that you value efficiency of use more than your freedom. I also strongly dislike DRM. That said, I have an iPod and have started to purchase music (wrapped in DRM) via the iTunes music store. I've heard that this allows you to burn fully valid audio CDs. (Is that not so?) Thus, the DRM is not airtight; it is more Digital Inconvenience Management than Digital Restrictions Management. I suppose here, I could go into the store and buy the CDs in audio format and rip them myself, and this would be more appropriate? Yes. Or you could get copies from other people; that is ethically legitimate, and it does as much to support the musicians (if they are not superstars) as buying the CD would do. Or is it reasonable to purchase DRMed music and realize You should NEVER buy any media with real DRM. By doing so, you reward and encourage the perpetrators. We can defeat DRM if we simply fight and resist it. that when the free alternative arrives, all my money spent will have gone down the drain You seem to be referring to some specific scenario, but I cannot envision what it is. To be a thoughtful, honest, and freedom loving person, do you have any suggestions about my software use, other than that I should try to switch to more free software whenever it approaches the usability I need? My suggestion is to realize that you don't really "need" that "usability"--it is a convenience, not a necessity, and you can get your work done on free software. Stop exaggerating the small sacrificies that our movement needs. From: Jacob Scott Date: April 5, 2006 12:12:24 AM EDT To: rms Subject: Re: Questions about your talk at ANU Thanks for your thoughtful comments. I take your words on DRM to heart. I would respectfully disagree with you on one point: > My suggestion is to realize that you don't really "need" that > "usability"--it is a convenience, not a necessity, and you can get > your work done on free software. Stop exaggerating the small > sacrificies that our movement needs. While you may be correct, I think it is possible that you do not realize the degree to which sacrifice is necessary. One example of many: A few months ago, I began to not be able to run firefox on my Fedora Core desktop. I would restart the machine, log in, attempt to run firefox, and be faced with the message (approximately) "you cannot start firefox. Firefox is already running." It turns out a .parent- lock file or some such needed to be deleted; I was told this by a more GNU/Linux-savvy friend. I could have Googled it - instead I just used mozilla (much slower, no bookmarks). But these incidents occur with unfortunate frequency, to the point where, to me (honestly!) using GNU/Linux is many times roughly equivalent to walking through a swamp filled with molasses. And as I mentioned, I am a computer science graduate student. I believe that computers are incredibly valuable tools, and they certainly enable freedom in a way that many other tools do not. But at a certain point I want my computer to work like my car - in a way I understand, so that I do not have to consciously engage with it. Is this an unfair or irresponsible desire? Do we only disagree on the magnitude of the usability gap between OSX and GNU/Linux, and the implications that has on convenience versus necessity? If so, perhaps I can be of service and try and present you with some reasonable (impartial, 3rd party) usability studies that can enlighten us both. I'm not saying this gap exists for everyone, just for many people, including myself. I hope that you realize I am approaching the issue with a certain bias, but also with an (attempt at an) open mind; in particular I am open to having my misconceptions destroyed by the righteous wrath of the Church of Emacs ;). I also understand if you find this issue unproductive or have no time to go into details. But I myself would be interested in further discussion, per the disclaimer that is sent in your auto-responder. Thanks very much, Jacob Scott From: Richard Stallman Date: April 5, 2006 3:05:57 PM EDT To: Jacob Scott Subject: Re: Questions about your talk at ANU Reply-To: rms@gnu.org While you may be correct, I think it is possible that you do not realize the degree to which sacrifice is necessary. One example of many: I think it is not that important. Do we only disagree on the magnitude of the usability gap between OSX and GNU/Linux, and the implications that has on convenience versus necessity? I know that lots of people have less problems than you report. However, that is NOT our only disagreement. I care about freedom enough that, given a total lack of a free operating system, I set about developing one. It has taken 22 years. The amount of "sacrifice" you find impossible seems pitifully small. From: Jacob Scott Date: April 5, 2006 3:35:47 PM EDT To: rms Subject: Re: Questions about your talk at ANU I think your statements are fair. They raise a few questions. As always, feel free to terminate this conversation when it no longer interests you or you think it is unproductive (I will not include this disclaimer in future emails, consider it implicit). 1) How do you perceive the relative importance of various freedoms? Where does freedom of software rank in terms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition (among others)? 2) To what extent to you appreciate the marginal advantage that each person has at contributing to the freedom of software? If, for example, by using proprietary software I can generate enough income to donate 1x10^X (3 \leq X \leq 6) to the FSF, where if I used GNU/ Linux I would not be able to make any such significant contribution, what do you think would be the right decision? This in a context where I would be happy to switch to free software when it's usability approaches that of proprietary software. 3) Is this email thread private and in confidence, or am I free to post its' totality, or quotes, various places (e.g., the Internet)? Thanks very much, Jacob PS: From your ANU talk: "I don't criticise and condemn people just because they don't stand up for free software strongly as I do." Using words like 'impossible' and 'pitifully small' seem to me (in my humble opinion, I am certainly not making a judgement) to be harsher and/or more critical than might be necessary to make your point. From: Richard Stallman Date: April 5, 2006 11:57:52 PM EDT To: Jacob Scott Subject: Re: Questions about your talk at ANU 1) How do you perceive the relative importance of various freedoms? Where does freedom of software rank in terms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition (among others)? Those freedoms are more important than free software, because they are more general, spreading across various areas of life. However, to the extent we use software, freedom to share and change the software becomes important. To the extent software use becomes pervasive in society, freedom of software becomes essential to protect the other freedoms too. 2) To what extent to you appreciate the marginal advantage that each person has at contributing to the freedom of software? If, for example, by using proprietary software I can generate enough income to donate 1x10^X (3 \leq X \leq 6) to the FSF, where if I used GNU/ Linux I would not be able to make any such significant contribution, what do you think would be the right decision? No, because the most important contribution we need is to lead by example in treating non-free software as unethical. 3) Is this email thread private and in confidence, or am I free to post its' totality, or quotes, various places (e.g., the Internet)? You can post the whole thing so far, if you wish.
This is the end of the conversation that rms agreed could be made public.