libpmk Samples: ETH-80


This data set, from the ETH CogVis project, contains images of apples, pears, tomatoes, cows, dogs, horses, cups, and cars.

See also:

Recent changes

Data files

Source files


You will need to modify the Makefile first. There are two lines that need to be changed:

LIBPMK_OBJ_PATH = /path/to/objs
LIBPMK_INC_PATH = /path/to/inc

The paths should point to the location of the libpmk objects (libpmk.o and libpmk_util.o) and the source tree, respectively. In most cases this will just be wherever you unpacked libpmk (e.g., /path/to/libpmk-1.0). After you edit the Makefile, type make. There is only one executable.


The executable, eth-experiment.out, takes four arguments: Here is an example command line that will run an experiment, creating a vocabulary tree 3 levels deep with a branch factor 11:

./eth-experiment.out /path/to/ETH80_GridSIFT.psl 3 11 /path/to/ETH80_labels.txt

Example output:

Reading /afs/
Running hierarchical clustering
Making pyramids
Computing kernel matrix
Average accuracy: 0.847500

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