Dec 3, 2006 Got a new laptop, tested there. The wxPython that came with Enthought Python was too old for push, the latest version worked, but required minor change to to work. Nov 5, 2006 Tested push on 3rd edition (N93). The home directory is expected to be at e:/Python, if that hasn't been created, push creates it (and e:/Python/lib where the libraries should go). snapshot window can be hidden by hitting "q" in that window. Jun 23, 2006 More snapping functionality. If you call "snap" from the command line, you'll get a snapshot from the current display screen of the phone, and you can optionally save the file on PC. This should work also for other applications, if you change them on the foreground on the phone. However, if the phone application uses direct screen access (for example most 3D applications do) then you get only the blank screen that Symbian knows of, not what you actually see on the screen. Another command "view imgfile.jpg" for imgfile.jpg that resides on the phone displays it on PC. Type "man view" and "man snap" for details. Minus and plus keys (PC Python keycodes 43 and 45) will enlarge or shrink the snapshot window (between 1x and 4x). You may see JPG compression artifacts in the images, all snapshots are compressed before sending to PC. May 21, 2006 Now if you call from your program sys.stdout.snap() it'll pop out window on push. There's also def show_imgfile( self, filename ): """ send a jpg or png image stored in a file to PC push which displays it """ def show_img( self, img, title='image' ): """ send an image to PC push which displays it """ wrap inside try except in case you're not running under push May 20, 2006 new functions snap and view (man snap, man view) for taking a screen snapshot and viewing images from the phone, respectively May 17, 2006 rm command takes now multiple arguments with wild cards run does not require .py ending (run and run hello should work the same way) more printouts during sync when loading files from phone to pc May 16, 2006 if the application running on the phone did a flush when the outputbuffer was empty, push on the PC side got out of sync, crashing. fixed. May 7, 2006 changed the run cmd so that it runs with a relatively clean globals dictionary with __name__ = '__main__' push is not very responsive while you run a script on the phone. however, now it at least prints the output out immediately and doesn't buffer them until the command has finished. the output is also sent to the pc console from which you started push. May 2, 2006 added mkdir downloading large files (e.g., MP3 songs) works now better, won't run out of memory Apr 20, 2006 ls works correctly, interpreter starts at Python home Mar 29, 2006 added lots of shell commands, type man to find out which ones (and then man ls, etc.) added syncl, sync with load Mar 26, 2006 startup file actually runs now within the push interpreter type push_help() to get help on supported commands Mar 16, 2006 Birth of push changed from using two BT connections and a dummy terminal to a smarter PC gui that only uses 1 BT connection both for the interpreter and file synchronization New putool ========================================================================================= Old pytool Mar 9, 2006 a simpler ascii header for binary data Mar 8, 2006 changed the way binary data header (data length, checksum) is sent or received, it must be encoded to ASCII syncl reloads the modules in lowercase btconsole sets home directory first, always adds HOME/my to sys.path syncd creates a directory if needed for files downloaded from the phone